Friday, May 1, 2009


Faith to me is the innate ability to hold to my inner vision even when the outside world does not always reflect everything as I perceive it should. Letting go of the need to see how everything will unfold and surrendering in my purpose to something greater is all I must do. Doing this can at times be a challenge. Recently as a status update on facebook I wrote I am determined to see differently. Constantly I am able to reframe my reality and know there is always a solition, yet doubts sometimes will enter my mind. The challenge is to trust and understand that we need to let go of the current level to move to the next.

My grandparents were faith missionaries. This meant that my grandfather gave all his money away as a newlywed and decided it was his purpose to serve the aboriginal community. He did this trusting that God would always provide. I never spoke to him about this as he died when I was quite young. My grandmother recounted experiences they would have where they had no food, a family to feed and a visitor would stop by . One instance a gentlemen broke down driving through the town where they lived. He had to stay the night and as they had no food to share, he was treated with the last of their milk and cocoa for dinner and breakfast. The next day a food package arrived from this gentlemen with a thankyou note. Experiences like this were a daily occurrence. The wise words my grandmother gave me are "Don't try, just trust".

A big vision and strong faith are what we need to create the world we want to live in for ourselves. My belief is that when we do life from a place of love, with the best intention anything is possible. I now surround myself with people who remind me of this daily with small miracles that occur in each of our lives.

As we plan for the future, living each day at a time within our communities fears dissolve and doubts are removed.

When the vision is big enough, the last thing you will need to worry about is having enough stuff.

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