Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How can you measure the value of a man?

This is an extract from a book given to me by my sister, and found today whilst cleaning up. I flicked open the book and came across these magic words.

The measure of a man is not found in the things he owns, what he's saved for retirement, or even his accomplishments....

The true measure of a man is found in his faith, and his heart, the friends who stand by him, the strength he displays under pressure.

It's found in his willingness to reveal vulnerability, in the truth of his words, the genuiness of his life, his unselfish actions, the values he lives by...

Determine the measure of a man not by admiring his trophies, or comparing him to other men either weaker or stronger.

Determine the measure of a man by how much you trust him and believe in him, and by how much his life enhances yours

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